Yesterday I sent an email to a woman named Virginia who lives in Ohio. Virginia and I are distant cousins. Our shared family tree branches-off after Levi (1847-1914) and Julia (1846-1938) Garrison.
Julia Garrison was my Great-Great-Grandmother and was Virgina’s Great-Grandmother.
What makes our meeting so special is that Virginia actually knew Julia Garrison. Virginia was about 10-years-old when Julia, who lived with Virginia’s family, died at age 92. In her email Virginia wrote the following about Julia:
“She was a very proper, Victorian lady who, in her earlier years, traveled and was very independent. She wore clothing which would be called Victorian, I suppose.”
What Virginia told me next really got me excited. She has photos of Julia and her father, William Boreham (1811c-1870c) and has offered to copy them. She also has a “darling watercolor” of Julia that was made before she left England. Census records indicate Julia came to America between 1858-60 with her family.
When I get copies of the photos I will post them so other members of the family can save them. Like I said to Virginia, the photos and watercolor she has are family treasures; each is an heirloom! William was born just about 200 years ago and Julia more than 160 years ago. Just reading that photos exist of William Boreham and Julia Boreham-Garrison gave me goose-bumps.
I will keep everyone posted on developments.