January 5, 2025

Arrival of My Folk in North America

Below are some tables showing when my ancestors arrived in America.  I was surprised to see that the 17th century belonged exclusively to my Crosby side while the 18th century belonged exclusively to my Garrison side.  I was a little surprised at the data.

From the start I knew that my Crosby side ancestors were the only ones to arrive during the 1600s.  I knew there were a lot of them, but I did not realize there were 80 branches!  I did not count people, instead I only recorded the first person from each branch. This meant that in instances where a Father, Mother and Child arrived together I only listed the Father and Mother (each represented a branch).

The Crosby side also presented some interesting cases of people arriving in Massachusetts in the 1600s, but then moving to Nova Scotia (still America). Even though my grandparents (Roy Crosby & Catherine McDonald) were not the first to come to America, they are my most recent “immigrant ancestors”; both became naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Garrison side was as I expected with a heavy German influence. Listed is the first ancestor from 15 of the Garrison branches. Several of the branches listed had sons that served during the American Revolution. (Missing is the Garrison ancestor. Mason Garrison is believed to have been born about 1790 in Virginia, but proof is eluding me.

In some instances the exact date or arrival is not known. In those cases I use the first date that they are known to have been in America and say “by”. Also, these are direct line ancestors, not great aunts or great uncles; all were my great grandparents.

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