March 16, 2025

John Daub, Bugler: Union Cavalry

John Daub at a family reunion.

John Daub, the oldest child of Johannes and Lydia (Wenger) Daub, was born June 6, 1847 in Lebanon County, PA. John was barely a month into his 16th year when, on July 1-3, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. During the three day battle at Gettysburg over 46,000 men were killed and more than 27,000 were wounded. On July 6th of that year John – 16 years, 1 month old – joined Helmbolt’s Independent Company of Pennsylvania Militia. The Helmbolt Company was formed as a humanitarian unit and the men (boys) served as hospital orderlies near Gettysburg. The days after the battle the hospitals, and make-shift buildings called hospitals, were greatly over-crowded. The carnage and suffering witnessed in those hospitals is unimaginable, but John remained with the Helmbolt Company until his 6-month enlistment expired in January 1864.

On January 5, 1864, John, still only 16 years old, joined the 21st Calvary of the 182nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. He was assigned to Company I at the rank of “2nd Bugler”.

On December 10, 1864, Company I took part in the Bellefield (VA) Raid. Snow and freezing rain was falling and the footing was slick. Union troops were surprised by a Confederate force of infantry, cavalry and artillery and fell-back under heavy fire until additional companies could join the line. During this skirmish John’s horse lost its footing and fell to the ground. While on the ground John was trampled by a horse, injuring his back and knee. After a short convalescence, John rejoined his Company and served until the end of the war. John was discharged July 8, 1865 with the rank of “1st Bugler”.

After the war John married Anne Elizabeth Stephens. They settled in Clearfield County, PA. and had 8 children. John was a shoemaker and rail road engineer. Years after the war John was granted a military disability pension. In 1890 John’s pension payment was $6 per month. His pension file (available at the National Archives) lists John as 5’3” tall, 122 pounds with hazel eyes, brown hair and a fair complexion.

John Daub died April 14, 1925 in Curwensville, PA.

2 thoughts on “John Daub, Bugler: Union Cavalry

  1. I believe John Daub was my ancestor.. My Grandmother was Bessie, daughter of Sarah (Sadie) Daub Woodring. I was so happy to get more information on her side of family history. Love this website… Very well done. Love history as shown by our website. An tell by our website.

    1. Hello Laurie,
      John and Anne Daub had a daughter Catherine Sarah(b. 12 Jul 1870 d. 1946). I have no further information about Catherine Sara, but her name was included in John’s Civil War pension file.

      Catherine Sarah had a younger sister, Bessie (source is the same). So we know Bessie was a family name.


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